Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!

this weekend has been full of family fun. 
life is SO much better when my other half is next to me at all times. 

on friday, we spent the day bike riding on katy trail in uptown.
the weather was beautiful, as were the apartments that lined the trail. we spent the ride dreamily planning the apartment we will live in next year. 
the second we arrived at the end of the trail, we promptly made our way to feast at a pizza buffet, which we only delayed for a quick spin through whole foods.
clearly, a perfect day. 

saturday, sara and i hit up body blast, of course; then we headed to a BBQ for the ESL students.
mom got her baby fix in because the whole grandchild scene does not look very promising at the moment.
then, because i had still have a 25 pager to write, we headed to central market's patio because that would definitely motivate me to get some work done. 
obviously, i read 5 words and then proceeded to spend the rest of the time mastering creating the perfect coffee and tea drink combination. 
because i so efficiently finished all of my work could not get a single thing done, we had no choice but to peruse all of the nearby stores. 

later that night, we had our traditional egg-coloring sesh. maddy (aj's girl) joined in on the fun!
don't even try to deny that my polka dot egg is incredibly baller.

easter church was beautiful and full of joy; i love the enthusiasm that is invariably present on holidays.

sara gave sweets up for lent so that means one thing: DONUTS first thing easter morning.
here is a quick snapshot of the first sugary snack.

my easter basket full of goodies that are now COMPLETELY gone. 
yes, it has been less than 12 hours since I found my basket. 
and yes, my parents still hide our baskets.

and the photo shoot that ensued:

then things got a little crazy.


dear old dad led the fam in a horrific weight-lifting sesh at our second home.
i always begin weight days so enthusiastically and after a few ONE lift, i am COMPLETELY ready to get out of there.

we hurried home to make dinner to break our sugar comas induced by eating ten pounds of candy.
just kidding. 
"dinner" was actually just an excuse to eat more chocolate. 
yes, those most assuredly are double chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate syrup. 
now that is my kind of dinner.

lucky for you, i am spending my easter evening watching black swan and could not be more FREAKED out so i decided to write in my favorite little blog to distract myself.

i hope you are all having a fabulous resurrection day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

may will be the best

2. birthday fun
3. CHICAGO trip!
4. my best friend will return home from the middle of nowhere oklahoma

and last but most assuredly NOT least:
5. this opens twenty minutes down the road; conveniently located right next to whole foods, also known as my second home.
(photo courtesy of my thoughtful father who is in san fran and thought it would be nice to rub in my face post on my blog.)

i like how i'm turning my whole family into avid little foodie bloggers! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

art and cookies

 thrilling weekend. 
wandered the streets looking at art and for things to spend money that I don't have on.

a.k.a. what i do EVERY weekend. 
no complaints here!

tiff's flavor of the week: lemon sugar
what's that you ask? 
why yes, i did in fact drive all the way to downtown dallas to taste one of these babies.
worth every cent of the $4.20/gallon gas.

southlake arts festival.
this booth's art was absolutely ridiculous. 
that egg cost almost $1000. 
i'm not joking.

they rock. (once again, am i 23 or 53?)

had to try chocolate chip cookies using browned butter. 

obviously, i also had to try them stuffed with brownies.

one word: 

let me know if you want my recipe and i'll hook you up.
(you should want my recipe)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

thankful thursday

ten little things that make my life: 

1. seat warmers in Lexie

2. nail polish

3. insane workouts & personal best runs

4. huge cups of ice water

5. 78 and sunny

6. butternut squash

7. mail

8. long talks

9. my morning coffee and crossword puzzle (am i 23 or 93?)

10. finding a new blog to read starting at the first entry

Sunday, April 10, 2011

it is official.

I want Jillian Michaels's job.
 More than any other job ever.

Does anyone have strings they could pull to help a sister out?!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

take me out to the ball game

Happy Opening Day to the Texas Rangers!

baseball, redwhite&blue, sunshine, and apple pie. never felt more american in my life.
life is good.