i love fall
i love food
i love to cook
thus, i am taking FULL advantage of the season and embracing all that is pumpkin. among my homemade endeavors are:
chocolate chip, butterscotch pumpkin cookies
pumpkin spice pancakes
pumpkin spice latte (just as delicious as starbucks, not even kidding!)
pumpkin butter
there is NOTHING like the smell of fall. except maybe the smell of christmas (which is closer everyday!!! we have already deemed November 1st as the day we will strip the apartment of all halloween decor and break out the christmas decorations!! so glad my roomies understand my obsession).
my nose has delighted in the cinnamon, pumpkin, and homemade baked good aromas occupying my house at all times. my roommates say they are all "pumpkined out," but i am just getting started!
it has been an incredible fall season so far. the weather is my absolute favorite. i think i let the weather affect my mood a little more than it should. but these past few weeks, the weather has done wonders for my mood! :)